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 In Comparison to Subbing...

Manga-videos overall took much longer to do than subtitling. Manga Escapees took 3 months of morning to late night work. This is, in part, because for every comment balloon, part of a character much be erased and re-drawn back in.

Having experienced the scanning and re-drawing, the translating, the trying to get all the English back in and have it fit, the choreographing it all for video (different from doing a comic book tramslations) with sound effects, with music, with line and path animations, video overlays, and transitions...I began to l have an immense appreciation of the people who re-do manga for the English speaking comic book market.

In this case, just this little experience taught me about what hard work goes into those TV shows that we can watch all through the day. I think some part of me thought that all the production people had to do was push buttons! I don't think so anymore!


"I enjoyed your Manga Video very much. I can understand how much time and effort you must have put into it."

"I am wondering about the music you played during the Manga Video of Princess Army Wedding combat."

"I was wondering where I can get this music CD."

All I have is the email handle "Dalbello"


"Yes, I saw the OAVs and the manga video first which then inspired me to go out and buy the mangas. I really enjoyed the OAVs, especially the manga video tat the end. The info at the end of the manga was helpful too. Princess Army is an old manga so it wasn't so easy to find, but I found this great Japanese bookstore in N.Y. called Asahiya. They are really dedicated to manga. I know translating those mangas must be a lot of work. I am talking Japanese in college so I can understand some of the dialogue, but they don't each Japanese jokes and idioms in college. But I have learned a lot with your manga translations of vol. 1-5. Thanks a lot of all the work you guys did on Princess Army :-)"



Princess Army manga spoilers on this one!

 "I just wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to tell me that Nonoka ended up with Yuya. Good! I liked him better ^_^. After I saw the OVA, it made me consider getting the manga. I am so glad that you fansubbed it. (I hope it doesn't sound like I am sucking up ^_^! *but you deserve it a little Heheheh)"


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