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 Special Memories

"You may not realize what a valuable public service you are providing. I attend the regular public anime showings presented by the "Animate! Ohio State" fan club, during which your fansubs of Fushigi Yuugi and Marmalade Boy are shown. Also present at these showings is a growing group of hearing impaired persons, who clearly enjoy not only the shows themselves but the opportunity to participate in a public activity in which they are on a more or less even playing field with the hearing participants. One of the main attractions for these folks appears to be none other than Marmalade Boy, and as I'm quite an addict myself I can certainly understand why".


We had TV coverage at our last convention (about 70 folks from Belgium, Germany and Holland). And guess what was playing when the TV folks came a filing??? Your sub of FY... So part of it has been broadcast on Dutch TV."


 "Hey! Take a look at this! For the first time ever, the Favorite Subtitle has been won by a fansub! Talk about a feather in the Duffys' cap: Their FY subs beat out EVANGELION for the top spot."

Favorite Anime Subtitle

Fushigi Yuugi (Tomodachi)...............................16

Neon Genesis Evangelion (A.D. visions)............13

Kimagure Orange Road (AnimeEigo)...............11

The Slayers (Software Sculptors)......................8

Urusei Yatsura (AnimEigo)................................6

Oh My Goddess! (AnimEigo)............................6

Bubblegum Crisis (AnimEigo)............................5

Here IS Greenwood (Software Sculptors).........5

Maison Ikkoku (Viz)........................................5

Maison Ikkoku (NT Anime)............................5

Marmalade Boy (Tomodachi)..........................4

(tied for 7th with Dragon Half (ADV), Magic Knight Rayearth (Silverwind), and Wings of Honneamise (Manga)!)

Way to go, Karen! ^_^



 "This ought to bring a smile to the faces of some on the ML:

I just saw some of the results of the annual RAAM favorites poll and, the Tomodachi fansub of Fushigi Yuugi placed first in the "Favorite Subtitle" category. This wasn't a slow year. FY edged out the very popular Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Apparently, this is the first time a fansub has won in this category.

Congratulations to Karen and her translators. I'm sure she won't see this as a vindication, but I hope she sees it as a ringing endorsement of her many fine works and deeds."



"My name is Rick Ridgway and I am currently putting together an Entertainment Industry dictionary. It is part of a site that will also be for linking to vendors in the industry. And since I don't claim to know everything in the universe, I am looking for well-written definitions to include in the dictionary."

"The framework I'm using is to create a list for everything that goes on in a project, from idea"s for the project to final distribution. In the "Concepts" section, I wish to include definitions for live-action film, TV (film or video), and animation (American style and anime)."

"As it so happens, I am at Volume 11 of Fushigi Yuugi TV series (a friend of mine is lending it to me), and I'd very much like to use your definition of anime at the beginning of the tape."

"Naturally, this would include a link back to the Tomodachi site and full author credit, and at no time would anyone be charged to access your definition. The site will (in time) be paid for by the vendors who choose to list with us."

"Any, thank you for your time in reading this, and even if you say no, thank you for all the work and effort you put into subtitling Fushigi Yuugi."

Rick Ridgway

From web page...by Cherie Bebe... 

"If you are an otaku, then you are likely to be well-acquainted with Tomodachi fansubs. Many of the most popular anime titles were first brought to our attention by the outstanding artistic and professional level of work of Karen and Bruce Duffy, and with the assistance of their patient and devoted translators.

Series such as Fushigi Yuugi, Marmalade Boy, and Hime-chan's Ribbon first made their way into our hearts as Tomodachi fansubs. Compilations such as Haruka and Friends, and Handsome Girl/Mariko Kouda in Concert, were lovingly assembled by Tomodachi...."

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 The 2002 Directories Vintage Tomodachi-A Partial History of Anime

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